Thursday, May 6, 2010

Freedom in Leaving and Going

"This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."  John 15:8 and the cornerstone verse of spring Bible study.  Last night wrapped up months of sharing the Breaking Free study written by Beth Moore. 

I found the model of  personal application preceding the study of Scripture frustrating at times, it seems backwards to me, but Beth's premise of cooperating with God so that I move from strongholds to freedom is a powerful one.

Honestly "dealing" with some strongholds of resentment and insecurity left me with a healthier perspective and a new desire to learn, grow and share.

Freedom is to live out the John 15:8 instruction--bear much fruit so that God's fingerprints are obvious.  It's a free, spiritually plentiful life that shows off my faith.  It exposes a daily trust in God throughout the ordinary, the everyday circumstances.

Is my parenting such that it bears much fruit to show God's glory?
Are my friendships reflecting that?
Does my church work, volunteer work, yard work, laundry and dog walking look consistent with that inspiration, truth?
As I live with JR (husband), am I faithful to God in the day in day out?
If you saw my calendar, my bank statement, my computer history would that truth be in evidence?

As I look forward to beginning a new study, I dropped by the book of James this morning.  There is another instruction:  need wisdom (practical insights with spiritual implications)?  Then, ask God, who will give it generously (followed by James pointing his finger--don't doubt this).

So, I think living in the abundance Christ describes is a consistent request for that generous portion of wisdom.

I believe with confidence that wisdom request and "generously" given will bear that fruit--that is the key takeaway from this study season and the first step of the moving in freedom to the next.

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Roswell, GA
Loves to find the answers to three questions of a sound Bible study: what does it say, what does it mean, what difference does it make?