Friday, July 16, 2010

Cast of Characters, An Excellent Work!

Cast of Characters:  Common People in the Hands of an Uncommon God is excellent--a worthy read for anyone who values The Bible as relevant and transforming. 

What makes Max Lucado's work so special?   He captures the lives of men and women from the Bible and tells their story in contemporary terms without taking any liberties to change or adjust the account. 

It is clever and thoughtful, but most of all it stirs up a response within, so that as I read, I was not just considering the lives of others, but my life and what does faith and failure really look like and really leave as a legacy.   The questions which follow each chapter are excellent for personal study or small group study. 

This book would work very well for both teens, adults.  It would bless those who are mature in faith with a fresh word and it would encourage those new to faith--introducing a large body of Biblical work in very manageable segments.

I looked forward to reading more each day, and have revisited several chapters, including the Lucado's take on Abigail, Mephibosheth and John.  Lucado moves through the Old and New Testament stories with energy and always seeks to show the reader how this makes a difference in the everyday, ordinary circumstances and relationships.

I strongly encourage anyone to read Cast of Characters, it delivers much.

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Roswell, GA
Loves to find the answers to three questions of a sound Bible study: what does it say, what does it mean, what difference does it make?