Monday, December 27, 2010

Anybody Game? Post Christmas Giveaway

Bible teacher Beth Moore is creating a 2011 challenge to memorize two verses a month throughout the year, logging onto her blog to record which verse/translation.  Moore has also put together some cute spiral notebooks to hold each bi-weekly verse.

I am jumping in.  Would love some company and I have four extra spirals (note card size) to give out (free) to any of you who wants to share in this project.  

I have never been grand at memorizing scripture--I mix and blend and partially grab hold of verses, and I would love to have the ability to draw directly and accurately from Scripture for pray, journaling, listening and reading. 

If you want one of the spirals, let me know.  Moore calls all women who jump on her blog Siestas, as years ago she accidentally typed Siestas instead of Sisters and, "thought a nap had a divine calling".  So, the name stuck.

So, let me know if you want one of these cute books for a healthy assignment in the upcoming year, and I would get a kick out of having some company.

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Roswell, GA
Loves to find the answers to three questions of a sound Bible study: what does it say, what does it mean, what difference does it make?