Monday, December 6, 2010

A Sweet Sound

Then Sings My Soul: Special Edition by Robert J. Morgan is a beautiful and useful collection of 150 hymns--historically beloved hymns such as Amazing Grace, Fount of Every Blessing and Rock of Ages in addition to Easter Hymns, Christmas Hymns and Hymns of Thanksgiving. Even the Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful are included. It would be a wonderful Christmas gift for a choir member or director, as the music is included on one page a devotional/historical context is featured on the facing page. This gives the story behind the music, the composer and the legacy of the music.

It captures the heart of the hymn, but in a way that moves the reader, not just the musician. My home church features traditional worship and this reference has deepened my understanding, appreciation of much of the music.

Mogan's compilation would edify the worship of adults could also educate students to the whole perspective surrounding this rich music. Traditional hymns have such theological depth, and with the added human interest behind the composition offers much to the reader.

It would be perfect for a choir to use as a rehearsal devotion, or a Sunday school teacher to add on a unique extra to a lesson. I highly recommend it.

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Roswell, GA
Loves to find the answers to three questions of a sound Bible study: what does it say, what does it mean, what difference does it make?